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HDi Ford PX1,PX2 Ranger/EVEREST 11-20/Mazda Bt50 GT2 large upgrade intercooler

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HDi Ford PX1,PX2 Ranger intercooler/Ford Everest 3.2 version /Mazda Bt50 GT2 complete intercooler is HDi high efficient GT2 core 670mm X 260mm X 70 mm designed to replace a regular Chemical polished factory unit and give greater airflow potential resulting in increased performance and reduce in mileage.

Installation of HDi Ford PX1,PX2 Ranger intercooler/Ford Everest 3.2 version 05-10 year /Mazda Bt50 GT2 complete intercooler kit is simple. It is easily installed with basic workshop tools, installation is a quick and easy process normally it takes less than 40 min

Performance guaranteed!:
After hundreds of hours in design and testing, Dyno test has proven to improve 6hp-15hp horse power and 10nm-20nm of torque throughout the rpm range!


The HDi Ford PX1,PX2 Ranger intercooler/Ford Everest 3.2 version /Mazda Bt50 GT2 complete intercoolerbenefit as below:
Improved low end throttle response (refer dyno)
Minimal pressure drop despite large intercooler sizing (thanks to HDi GT2 technology)
Increased torque range at low end (refer dyno)
Reduction of both inlet temperatures
less engine running temperatures
Increased performance
Better reliability and consistency
Increase power throughout entire RPM range (not only focusing on the PEAK)
Improve fuel efficiency*
Best value for money
Performance guaranteed!

Full stainless steel screws and brackets the best durability against water and salt corrosion.
The special design allowing enough area for aftermarket 4wd winch to be installed
It also allows good air flow to the radiator!
*The reduced inlet restriction and inlet temperature provides higher density of oxygen for better combustion with the same amount of fuel. Hence, increase mileage!

***Only Ford Everest include hot pipe and cold pipe to fit!!***

2.2L or 3.2L?

If need silicone hose

If need Automatic Transmission Cooling Kit

If need air intake hose



Approximate Weight (kg): 6.0KG

Used in (hp) : ~700

Size in mm (L x W x H) : 865 x 200 x 260mm 

Core in mm(L x W x H) : 670 x 70 x 260mm

Structure : HDi 15 rows GT 2 traverse   tube and fin

Out let : 57mm

Finishing : HDi GT2 Seamless side tank Mirror finished side tanked

Pressure drop (psi) : 0.2

Flow rate CFM : >650

Approximate temperature drop Degree(C') at 15 psi : 82-95

Recommendation : 

Ford Ranger / Mazda BT-50

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